Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Okay, so I am not much of a runner lately so I'm going to post about what I have been doing: Insanity. If you want to boost your running performance, do Insanity (among other things, of course). It is what it claims to be: INSANE! It is weight-bearing exercise, strong and hard for about 40 minutes (including warm up and stretching). It involves a lot of explosive movements while keeping the intensity way up high with only a couple 30 second breaks mixed in. When I was doing both, running and Insanity, I started noticing faster times and comfortable breathing at levels I felt like throwing up at before.

I did Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit today and it kicked my booty! I still struggle to get through every exercise without stopping, but my goal is to be more consistent with it so I can finish every time!


  1. I didn't know you had insanity? Sweet! That is a really good workout- good job!
