Sunday, February 20, 2011

My new key to success of running

I haven't run as many miles as I would have wanted this past week. The miles I did get in though, really counted. I have been eating good these last couple weeks and cut some major minutes off my 5k time.
I am so super excited that I averaged 8:30 min miles ( not what I have been doing lately) and am so excited to keep on that pace.
My goal for half marathon pace is just under 2 hours, so I am starting to train for that starting tuesday when Toby is gone.

Hope you are all getting on the mend.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Someone run for me!

Hey Girls!
Go get some miles in for me today! I am putting together a running clinic with John Hill, I think the end of March, if you know anyone who would be interested, will you let me know?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Running Anyone?

Arghhh! My running partner has an injured foot.....anyone up for an 8 miler on Tuesday during preschool? I am not fast, and I am actually wanting to take a one minute break every 2 miles because I learned during a running clinic that that can actually help you become faster. So if you feel like joining me, let me know! If not, I'll do plyo and attempt it next week..
Happy Running!

"I prefer to remain in blissful ignorance of the opposition. That way I'm not frightened by anyone's reputation."
- Ian Thompson, who ran a 2:09:12 marathon at the 1974 Commonwealth Games

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Okay, so I am not much of a runner lately so I'm going to post about what I have been doing: Insanity. If you want to boost your running performance, do Insanity (among other things, of course). It is what it claims to be: INSANE! It is weight-bearing exercise, strong and hard for about 40 minutes (including warm up and stretching). It involves a lot of explosive movements while keeping the intensity way up high with only a couple 30 second breaks mixed in. When I was doing both, running and Insanity, I started noticing faster times and comfortable breathing at levels I felt like throwing up at before.

I did Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit today and it kicked my booty! I still struggle to get through every exercise without stopping, but my goal is to be more consistent with it so I can finish every time!

Habu trail today

My foot has been bothering me post run, but I can't seem to make myself NOT run, so I guess I"ll just deal with it! I learned a very important lesson after the flightline run the other day, don't do bike intervals the day before a long run! At least for me, it wasn't a good idea. My hamstrings are killing me! I am headed out to conquer the Habu today during preschool-Brittany if you want to come along, you should!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First time 10 km

Had an awesome run today around the flight line with Heather. We went 10 km which is the farthest I've ever run. I felt like I could conquer the world after that. I had a great time. Still working on my footwork in my 5 finger Vibrams but have definitely seen a difference. Much better posture, no knee pain or back pain. My left arch is definitely feeling it though but I think in a good way. Hopefully building up the muscles in my arch. I actually didn't feel like I was dying by the end. My breathing was very steady, I felt like my speed was pretty consistent and I definitely could've had a conversation by the end. We made it in 64 minutes. I think we were both pretty pleased with that. For the longest time I haven't actually enjoyed the running aspect of running. I've really liked how I've felt afterward. I think today was the first time where I was really enjoying the running part and afterward was awesome.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Flightline Run

Headed to the flightline today! Can't wait to see if I can keep up with Kara and Liz.......It's been a long time since I have run more than 5 miles.....hope I can do it-wait...."I KNOW I can do it!"